Thursday, June 4, 2015

USA NATIONAL MISS 2015 Program Book Cover

We are thrilled to share with all of you this ‪#‎AWESOMEpageantCOVER‬we designed for the 2015 USA NATIONAL MISS Program Book, and could not be happier to be a part of this year's event! A special THANK YOU to Director Jackie Watson for the opportunity to be a part of her team, and best of luck to all Delegates at Nationals this upcoming July! Finals take place between July 27 and August 1st at the Dolphin Convention Center @ Walt Disney World! For more info on USA NATIONAL MISS, please check out: (photo by Amanda Ferguson) 

Directors, GET IN TOUCH if you need an awesome-looking, professionally-designed cover for your Pageant PROGRAM BOOK, and ask about our 100% FREE PROGRAM BOOK LAY-OUT PROMO!

‪#‎PageantDesign‬ Graphic design solutions for all your pageantry needs! Pageant Ads • Pageant Program Books • Websites • Flyers & Promo Items + more! | For samples, check out: and like us on facebook: | ALL STATES, ALL AGES, ALL PAGEANTS SYSTEMS WELCOME! ‪#‎PageantAds‬‪#‎PageantProgramBooks‬ ‪#‎AWESOMEpageantADS‬